
Just made redundant, boss still trying to twist the knife

My boss is a greedy, exploitative, scamming capitalist. They took a thriving business and ran it into the ground by: Replacing staff with unqualified over-sees developers and then blaming you why the quality has dropped They bullied and manipulated people into working unpaid overtime They guilt-tripped people into producing well above their capacity, keeping people stressed and burnt out literally every day They ripped off clients, padding invoices, cut corners and just about every 'barely legal' business practice under the sun And a thousand other scummy practices I see on this sub every day The company of course went under. They won TWO big clients, decided to double the workforce, expand the office and sack off all their bread-and-butter clients. They then delivered a terrible service to the two big clients, who quite rightly left – leaving nothing. They ran out of money before they could even attempt at turning…

My boss is a greedy, exploitative, scamming capitalist. They took a thriving business and ran it into the ground by:

  • Replacing staff with unqualified over-sees developers and then blaming you why the quality has dropped
  • They bullied and manipulated people into working unpaid overtime
  • They guilt-tripped people into producing well above their capacity, keeping people stressed and burnt out literally every day
  • They ripped off clients, padding invoices, cut corners and just about every 'barely legal' business practice under the sun
  • And a thousand other scummy practices I see on this sub every day

The company of course went under. They won TWO big clients, decided to double the workforce, expand the office and sack off all their bread-and-butter clients. They then delivered a terrible service to the two big clients, who quite rightly left – leaving nothing. They ran out of money before they could even attempt at turning things around.

Without warning, without notice, they made the entire team redundant. They blamed it on the economy and took no responsibility.

I have worked remotely since the pandemic and needed to return my computer equiment. I was emailed that I would need to return it to the office within a very specific 2-hour window on Monday (I'm in the UK and that's precisely when the Queen's funeral is). Or I would have to post it.

This is over £1000 worth of computer equipment I would need to buy boxes, protecting etc.. for. The postage and insurance alone would be so much.

I said I'm not available at that time, is there another time? Else, please send me a pre-paid box I can return this stuff in.

I got back a cold and heartless threat that I'm contractually obliged to cover the cost of returning equipment and would I like to be sent a copy of my contract. Imagine making someone redundant and thinking it is appropriate to make them pay out of pocket to return their equipment? A time when you KNOW your ex-employees are worrying about money more than ever.

I now have to cancel my plans and face this person on Monday in the 2-hour window they're free. I'm not strong enough to do this. Especially as I know they're going to spout some fake-emotional stuff about how they tried their hardest and have to do what's best for their family etc…

I live 30 minutes down the road, they could literally just come and pick it up.

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