
Just need to vent

I am well educated, work in a respected field, and am good at what I do. I work 6 days a week, 3 jobs. I just saw that one of my jobs has underpaid me by a magnitude of 10 for the second time this year. Even without that, I’m barely making ends meet and counting pennies. I just feel this is fundamentally unfair and makes me want to scream into the void.

I am well educated, work in a respected field, and am good at what I do. I work 6 days a week, 3 jobs. I just saw that one of my jobs has underpaid me by a magnitude of 10 for the second time this year. Even without that, I’m barely making ends meet and counting pennies. I just feel this is fundamentally unfair and makes me want to scream into the void.

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