
Just need to vent about the antiquated philosophies of corporate work

I’ve been in my job for 4 years – have been promoted very quickly from a Level I to Senior position against all odds, considering they only allow 2 promotions per year for a team of 45+ associates. My track record is outstanding. Progress reports near perfect. In July 2021, I went to a different company for a higher paying manager position. But the company was very dishonest about their expectations amongst other things so I was only there for a little over two months. For three months, I lived off savings. I focused on my art and my writing. I live in an RV so I move around a lot and traveled even more so during that time. It was a wonderful 3 months. I returned to my former position at my former company and continued to excel. They were so happy to have me back. They want to…

I’ve been in my job for 4 years – have been promoted very quickly from a Level I to Senior position against all odds, considering they only allow 2 promotions per year for a team of 45+ associates. My track record is outstanding. Progress reports near perfect.

In July 2021, I went to a different company for a higher paying manager position. But the company was very dishonest about their expectations amongst other things so I was only there for a little over two months.

For three months, I lived off savings. I focused on my art and my writing. I live in an RV so I move around a lot and traveled even more so during that time. It was a wonderful 3 months.

I returned to my former position at my former company and continued to excel. They were so happy to have me back. They want to promote me to a managing position, which I’m very excited for and am almost positive I will get. The thing that worries me is my boss’s boss has questions about my living in an RV. And about the three month gap in my resume. I’m having to defend my lifestyle choices outside the workplace even though I have always been and continue to be a star employee. Even though every manager says, “Oh yeah. Definitely promote her. We want her on our team.”

Ultimately, I think (hope) I get the job. But it irks me that we still subscribe to these antiquated philosophies. Shouldn’t my living in an RV while traveling and performing above company expectations be seen as a positive? The fact that I took three months off be seen as I’m refreshed and less likely to suffer from work-place burn out? Thanks for listening to my rant and sorry it’s so long. Just needed to communicate my frustrations.

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