
Just quit and feel great

A little background. I’ve been at this company for 10 years and I’ve had no complaints… decent money, decent benefits and haven’t had an issue so far with any of my bosses. I’ve been a vegan the last few years and my coworkers have supported me without any judgement. For my lunch break, I usually bring food but occasionally go to a local vegan-friendly place. This past Tuesday, our regional manager arrived and surprised us with a burger burn cookout. A nice gesture until I informed him I don’t eat any food from animals and asked if I could leave to hit up my local spot instead to grab a meal to my suiting. My normal manager normally doesn’t care at all but refused to let me leave in front of his boss because “it makes our company look like shit.” Quit on the spot. This U-haul can go to…

A little background. I’ve been at this company for 10 years and I’ve had no complaints… decent money, decent benefits and haven’t had an issue so far with any of my bosses.

I’ve been a vegan the last few years and my coworkers have supported me without any judgement. For my lunch break, I usually bring food but occasionally go to a local vegan-friendly place. This past Tuesday, our regional manager arrived and surprised us with a burger burn cookout. A nice gesture until I informed him I don’t eat any food from animals and asked if I could leave to hit up my local spot instead to grab a meal to my suiting. My normal manager normally doesn’t care at all but refused to let me leave in front of his boss because “it makes our company look like shit.”

Quit on the spot. This U-haul can go to hell!

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