
Just quit my job for another

First up my bad for short notice. Called my boss today since he's never around and told him I'm quitting for another job. Only gave 2 days notice but my new company wants me fast and I wanted a lil week break between jobs. He's pissed starts asking me where I'm going and I refuse cause I know exactly what he will do with that info. I wanted to thank him for the opportunity but he got aggressive real fast. He says your just gonna leave with 2 days notice? And no courtesy to tell me where your going next?! I'm just apologizing at this point cause I don't want to leave with 2 day notice (but I'm stressed, burnt out and a bitter). He then says you will learn! And hangs up. Supervisor texts me later telling me to just come pick up my shit tomorrow. Here's the catch…

First up my bad for short notice. Called my boss today since he's never around and told him I'm quitting for another job. Only gave 2 days notice but my new company wants me fast and I wanted a lil week break between jobs. He's pissed starts asking me where I'm going and I refuse cause I know exactly what he will do with that info. I wanted to thank him for the opportunity but he got aggressive real fast. He says your just gonna leave with 2 days notice? And no courtesy to tell me where your going next?! I'm just apologizing at this point cause I don't want to leave with 2 day notice (but I'm stressed, burnt out and a bitter). He then says you will learn! And hangs up. Supervisor texts me later telling me to just come pick up my shit tomorrow. Here's the catch tomorrow is payday and thats my money! I know he will try some bullshit and try hold it from me but fuck honestly this is all jus a big headache and I wish people could act like adults ffs. I know it'll prob get nasty but wish me luck guys

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