
Just QUIT my job of 4 years…walked without notice…

I have never quit anything in my life except all of my hobbies, lovers, and interests outside of work. Work was and is my life…I had a final blow today receiving a PIP after receiving employee of the quarter twice this year and working overtime the last 4 YEARS on personal vanity projects for the CEO of the company I NO LONGER WORK FOR! Wow. That feels great to say… I've been lurking here a while and was dreaming of this day. I thought I'd plan it out, save enough money to feel “Secure,” give a nice 2-6 week notice, work my ass of the last days to ensure the company doesn't have to lift a finger during my replacement, etc…but I finally did it. My coworker and I both at the same time. We're FREEEEEEE! I thought I'd be sweating bullets, sick to my stomach, immediately regretful, and/or sobbing…

I have never quit anything in my life except all of my hobbies, lovers, and interests outside of work. Work was and is my life…I had a final blow today receiving a PIP after receiving employee of the quarter twice this year and working overtime the last 4 YEARS on personal vanity projects for the CEO of the company I NO LONGER WORK FOR! Wow. That feels great to say…

I've been lurking here a while and was dreaming of this day. I thought I'd plan it out, save enough money to feel “Secure,” give a nice 2-6 week notice, work my ass of the last days to ensure the company doesn't have to lift a finger during my replacement, etc…but I finally did it. My coworker and I both at the same time. We're FREEEEEEE!

I thought I'd be sweating bullets, sick to my stomach, immediately regretful, and/or sobbing but in fact, all of those things disappeared the moment I quit!

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