
just quit my job of “family run business”

I know huge red flag there “family run” but on my phone interview with the manager “the boss's son” it sounded like everything I was looking for! No shift work No weekend work All bank Holidays paid All Christmas to New year off Typical 08-16:30 job No overtime unless YOU wanted it. And most of all not agency, contract with the Company. On my interview it was said they own 3 warehouses in the same town, I was to be based at the one closest to myself wich was 3 miles away, but maybe required at one of the outhers wich was just as far but only when busy. The 3rd was out of the question I don't drive and it was in the middle of no were. My first week went well me and 2 other guys. I was asked by the supervisor of the main site who was…

I know huge red flag there “family run” but on my phone interview with the manager “the boss's son” it sounded like everything I was looking for!

No shift work
No weekend work
All bank Holidays paid
All Christmas to New year off
Typical 08-16:30 job
No overtime unless YOU wanted it.
And most of all not agency, contract with the Company.

On my interview it was said they own 3 warehouses in the same town, I was to be based at the one closest to myself wich was 3 miles away, but maybe required at one of the outhers wich was just as far but only when busy. The 3rd was out of the question I don't drive and it was in the middle of no were.

My first week went well me and 2 other guys. I was asked by the supervisor of the main site who was visiting our site with a delivery (the one I could be needed at) if I would like to join them all for a drink that weekend paid for by them. I thought yeah why not get to know everyone.

The drink went well, one of the girls in the office took a shine to me, I spoke with this supervisor he kept going on about “tests and loyalty” I was like what BTW he was not family to the company either 🤔 anyway by end of night I left with the girl got her in a taxi so she got home saftley.

The following week I was asked to go help at this other site the one run by the supervisor. I turned up at my start time 08:00. Strate away I get shouted at “we start at 07:00 here!! And stay until 16:30 that's what me and the lads do on this site! In my head I'm thinking we'll isn't that forced overtime, I spoke with the manager the man that hired me. He said” well that's what time the first container gets here so we need all hands on deck ” I said fair enough but I can finish at 15:30 and stick to my 8 hours” half hour is break obviously”. He agreed, anyway this supervisor was on my case big time, constantly belittling me making me work hard throwing in the odd insult to my work aswell, I'm guessing this was him testing me. Also we only got 1 break here and if you wanted more you pretty much had to be with “the lads” outside smoking every outher hour. I don't smoke so again pretty unfair. I was also told by my girl mate in the office that the supervisor was making comments about me to her and came across abit jealous of our friendship

The following week I was told to go back to this site again. I said to my manager “so you told me I was only needed here the odd day or so when busy not full time. His reply was” well if I had to pin point it now on the map your going to be here, I know it's not what you signed up for, but we're extremely busy. We have had to move a few people around, I am trying to recruit, but yeah your here now. So that same week it got to finish time about 15:25, the supervisor gave me more work to do. I reminded him it was my finish time and will be going, that's when shit hit the fan! He went for me mentioned my work rate was not quick enough, it wasn't fair on his lads I got to leave, that because I don't work this extra hour I'm not entitled to breaks and have to work twice as hard the list goes on! I told him to shove it and left. On my way out he shouted “if I walk now my contracts terminated” I shouted OK BYE and waved him off

I texted the manger who was on holiday, he told me to go back to my original site the next day until he gets back then we can sort it, but I might be needed at the place I could not commute to, but transport would be arranged.

Two days at the original site was bliss but as one of the other men were on holiday the whole week I had been at the other site, the place was a absaloute mess!! Health and safety would of been jizzing in there pants at this, it was absaloute joke. This guy 65 years old was squeezing and climbing through racking 6 meters in the air from his truck for a bloody box that needed to be picked! He aswell was coming in 1 to 2 hours earlie off his own back to try keep ontop of it lmao I couldn't belive it.

It's like these men have been brainwashed by the hive mind and just put there life into it, and dare not to question, go above and beyond for this family run business that's not even there family I really don't get it. The money wasn't even great either.

After the two days at my original site i get a call to the office, “hey I know we said we would not ask you to but G is on paternity leave, you need to be at this location tomorrow and will be there as of further notice” (the site in cannot commute to.) I asked if transport would be provided, they said no, so I said we'll I can't get there. Their reply was well if you don't it's dissaplinary action!

I have called in sick and not heard from them yet, the manager who hired me will be back tomorrow so I will be expecting a call from him and handing in my resignation.

Dont work for family run business's
Short staffed over worked
Expected to go above and beyond
Guilt tripped into doing things you don't want to
Spend little money on staffs health and safety or the up keep of there facilities or machines and tools needed for the job.
Hard to get holidays on request.
No chance of progression
People are treated as time served basis by my impression “you have to earn your stripes” type of thing.

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