
Just ranting. I can’t last indefinitely around these white conservatives.

I work in fuckin Florida, in a media job but doing some tech stuff too. I’ve got a relatively cool team but it’s an admittedly conservative company. I’ve been an owner for nearly a decade, still own my own businesses and freelance but wanna knock down some debts + buy a home or whatever. If I can make it 6 months I’d be shocked because I don’t like people, am underpaid and feel like the owners CANT care about me as a human with their political beliefs. I’m a supervisor/manager over my department and one old fart that’s been employed since she was a teen has been problematic since she returned from her health-related leave. She told me to shut up once, and I promptly let my GM know what she had one more old-peoples pass before I handled her accordingly. To begin with, I’d like help to understand why…

I work in fuckin Florida, in a media job but doing some tech stuff too. I’ve got a relatively cool team but it’s an admittedly conservative company.

I’ve been an owner for nearly a decade, still own my own businesses and freelance but wanna knock down some debts + buy a home or whatever. If I can make it 6 months I’d be shocked because I don’t like people, am underpaid and feel like the owners CANT care about me as a human with their political beliefs.

I’m a supervisor/manager over my department and one old fart that’s been employed since she was a teen has been problematic since she returned from her health-related leave. She told me to shut up once, and I promptly let my GM know what she had one more old-peoples pass before I handled her accordingly.

To begin with, I’d like help to understand why conservatives are so stingy. Why they believe that their entire existence will come crashing down if they do for others.

In my experience, I receive more when I give more but whatever…

Old fart granny has on her Trump 2024 Save America Again shirt and it has me bothered. I wonder if I can get away with a Black Lives Matter shirt. Even better would be me going home to get this shit done with a blunt or whatever but I’ll college the check for a bit.

The job itself is okay [pay aside] but I feel disposable.

Since I’ve got access to a few newspapers I’ve decided to create a few businesses to pander to these people. I’m talking about apparel with the most offensive slogans and a made in America tag!

I’m talking about re-branding my design & development company into something fucking disgusting and then charging premium prices for this conservative money.

I’ve got every intention of distributing this money to my own people when I’m done though! Maybe even retiring early to teach finance and wisdom to brown people in the community.

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