
Just realized I get paid below average for my position & Boss expects me to do their job along with mine

So I’ve had a pretty solid work history and have always moved up and excelled at every single job I have had. Then last year I decided to switch career fields and go into the insurance industry. I got my 440 license to try it out and see how things went before committing to getting my 220. Well took the class and paid for the license on my own before getting hired by an agency. When I started it was just me, one coworker who has been in insurance the majority of her life (7 years at this office in particular ) and my Boss. When I got hired I was told that after 90 days we would have a review and I would get a raise. Well 3 months after I was here my coworker quit and I never had a review or got my raise until the 4…

So I’ve had a pretty solid work history and have always moved up and excelled at every single job I have had. Then last year I decided to switch career fields and go into the insurance industry. I got my 440 license to try it out and see how things went before committing to getting my 220. Well took the class and paid for the license on my own before getting hired by an agency. When I started it was just me, one coworker who has been in insurance the majority of her life (7 years at this office in particular ) and my Boss. When I got hired I was told that after 90 days we would have a review and I would get a raise. Well 3 months after I was here my coworker quit and I never had a review or got my raise until the 4 month mark then when we did talk about it I was told this is your raise, I know it’s not a lot but I gave the last employee all the money up front and she didn’t do anything and I want to give you something to work towards. In 90 more days we will review and I’ll give you another raise. Well since my coworker quit my boss is almost never in the office she leaves to go “run errands” all the time and I’m usually at the office by myself which this isn’t a huge problem because I am very capable and can handle it but the issue is, I only have my 440 and there is suppose to be someone in the office that has their 220 at all times with me. Then despite her not being here I have met or exceeded numbers every single month. Which is said she would give me a little $250 bonus every time we hit numbers because I only get paid hourly with no commission. She gave me the bonus the first month and I haven’t gotten anything since. It is seeming to get progressively worse as time goes by. When I say she leaves all the time like right this moment she isn’t here she left about an hour and a half ago to go make an appointment at a barber shop literally 2 minutes down the road for her nephews and still isn’t back. Then later when she does come back she will leave for lunch and won’t be back for at least 2 hours. Also she has “meetings” that take a couple of hours and she always comes back smelling of weed (I have no problem with her smoking personally but not when you are suppose to be working). When clients call the office to speak with her she has me take a message then refuses to call them back because she knows they are going to complain about rate increases. So they keep calling and yelling at me because she won’t help them. Then when I do go out of my way to help someone or do a request that she deems a waste of time (sending people ID cards, sending Evidence of insurance to mortgagees, or basically anything that isn’t selling a product that qualifies to meet our numbers that are required) she complains to me to not do that, her reasoning is if they are unhappy with rates they can shop around or if they need docs they can go online and get them theirselves, or we already send EOI automatically (unless we process a change which is typically when they ask if they can get an updated one).
Then yesterday she complained to me that the Ac ran all weekend because it didn’t get turned up before I left on Friday, then I realized….. I didn’t close Friday I left early because I opened and she closed so she legit complained to me about something she did but was blaming me for it. Then when I get to work yesterday I also noticed we are hiring, can’t pay me more even though I do everything for you but you can hire someone else.
This is quite frustrating and I have been tentatively looking for other employment but I plan on moving to a different state next spring so I might try to stick it out until then but I’m definitely searching for something better while simultaneously trying to start my own business on the side. I have also quit trying at work, if the agency doesn’t mean that much to her then why should it matter to me. 🤷‍️ I now do the minimum to make numbers but not over achieve as there is no incentive for it.

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