
Just Say No Trickle Down Reaganomics – We Need Fordism

Given the age of most people in the work force, Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and even Gen Y now, we have had Reaganomics shoved down our throats for 40+ years now and many people treat it as gospel. Reaganomics essentially says if we cut taxes and give tax incentives to the rich who own capital, it will trickle down through employment to the middle and lower classes, thus improving everyone's cost of living. There are limited elements of Reaganomics that make some sense, but the last 40 years have taught us that it is mostly BS and if you lower taxes on the rich, they will just pocket the money. The point of this sub and society in general is that we need a new system. The good news is that we don't need to invent one. Fordism, from Henry Ford, has many tenets, but chief among them is that…

Given the age of most people in the work force, Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and even Gen Y now, we have had Reaganomics shoved down our throats for 40+ years now and many people treat it as gospel.

Reaganomics essentially says if we cut taxes and give tax incentives to the rich who own capital, it will trickle down through employment to the middle and lower classes, thus improving everyone's cost of living. There are limited elements of Reaganomics that make some sense, but the last 40 years have taught us that it is mostly BS and if you lower taxes on the rich, they will just pocket the money.

The point of this sub and society in general is that we need a new system. The good news is that we don't need to invent one. Fordism, from Henry Ford, has many tenets, but chief among them is that you must pay your work force a living wage so that they will be happy, productive and, most importantly, so that they will have enough money to buy the products that those who own capital are selling. That's what's so crazy about this system…everyone benefits. It is the essence of the rising tide lifts all boats. Working and middle class people see an improved quality of life and the rich even benefit because more people have money to buy what they're selling.

This love affair with Reaganomics needs to stop. We need to move forward with a new and better system. Burning down society's structure likely won't work. We need to work to make change within the system we have, but change certainly must come.

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