
Just so damn tired.

Roe v Wade officially overturned.……… tight. I’m so fucking emotion exhausted. So very drained and tired of all the things wrong in this country. So very tired of peoples rights being taken away because of religious extremists, people being killed because of the color of their skin, people living on the streets and staving to death, people living in poverty just one $400 emergency away from financial crisis while billionaires build rockets and go kick it in space for giggles and buy yachts the size of small towns. People screaming out for a living wage while the rich buy politicians and pay them off to keep them from passing laws to change the way things are done here, 85 year old politicians who don’t know how the internet works being the ones running this country and deciding what’s best for us when they should be in retirement homes, they get…

Roe v Wade officially overturned.……… tight.
I’m so fucking emotion exhausted.
So very drained and tired of all the things wrong in this country. So very tired of peoples rights being taken away because of religious extremists, people being killed because of the color of their skin, people living on the streets and staving to death, people living in poverty just one $400 emergency away from financial crisis while billionaires build rockets and go kick it in space for giggles and buy yachts the size of small towns. People screaming out for a living wage while the rich buy politicians and pay them off to keep them from passing laws to change the way things are done here, 85 year old politicians who don’t know how the internet works being the ones running this country and deciding what’s best for us when they should be in retirement homes, they get the best healthcare this country can offer so they won’t just fucking die. Meanwhile our tax dollars are spent on these politicians having a $40k per year furniture allowance. We can’t have universal healthcare paid for by our taxes or school lunches for children living in poverty, But politicians and big businesses build wealth from our suffering, from us destroying our bodies and our minds so they can make a profit. Cost of living grows exponentially each year and employees get a 3% raise on average, the ratio of pay for CEO to grunt is 370 to 1 but we’re told we just don’t work hard enough and we need to sacrifice more of our time, more of our lives, spend less time with our families and more time working stop paying for Netflix and Starbucks because those are the things holding us back and keeping us poor.

I’m just fucking tired man.

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