
Just tired of trying

Not sure if this even fits in here; mods, feel free to delete if you like. I just wanted to get this off my chest. I have been trying for the past twenty years to get a job. I have *never* succeeded. Not once in two decades of trying. Everything from janitorial work, to McDonalds employee, to straight-up *volunteer*. Nothing. Not even a temp agency will touch me. I'm just a boring average dude with no criminal record, a high-school diploma, a technical school diploma. I don't have a social media presence tied to my name. I've even paid money to talk with a professional job counselor to try and get *something* or at least see what's wrong. According to them? “Oh, this happens to lots of people. Don't worry about it.” I want to contribute to society, but how the hell am I supposed to do that when it…

Not sure if this even fits in here; mods, feel free to delete if you like. I just wanted to get this off my chest.

I have been trying for the past twenty years to get a job. I have *never* succeeded. Not once in two decades of trying. Everything from janitorial work, to McDonalds employee, to straight-up *volunteer*. Nothing. Not even a temp agency will touch me. I'm just a boring average dude with no criminal record, a high-school diploma, a technical school diploma. I don't have a social media presence tied to my name. I've even paid money to talk with a professional job counselor to try and get *something* or at least see what's wrong. According to them? “Oh, this happens to lots of people. Don't worry about it.”

I want to contribute to society, but how the hell am I supposed to do that when it simply won't allow me to do so? How many more years must I hear “no, sorry, I know the sign out front says we'll hire anyone off the street buuuut that doesn't include you”? I don't know what to do anymore, and I'm just… so tired of trying.

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