
Just told my boss no fucking way

A manager position just opened up in my department. I applied a few months ago for the position my (now) boss has. So she asked if I was going to apply for the new opening. No, I replied. That was fast, she countered. You didn't even think about that. Me: didn't need to. You have two teams, the manager who left had three. You can't do justice to any of them with that workload. I'm not setting myself up for failure. What I didn't tell her, why would I want to triple my workload for what will likely be a negligible increase on pay? I'm old. Retirement is in reach. I'm not looking to kill myself for these last few years. I see you sending emails at 5 in the morning and 9 at night. I hear you bragging (lol) about listening to work podcasts on your weekends. Nope, not…

A manager position just opened up in my department. I applied a few months ago for the position my (now) boss has. So she asked if I was going to apply for the new opening. No, I replied. That was fast, she countered. You didn't even think about that. Me: didn't need to. You have two teams, the manager who left had three. You can't do justice to any of them with that workload. I'm not setting myself up for failure.

What I didn't tell her, why would I want to triple my workload for what will likely be a negligible increase on pay? I'm old. Retirement is in reach. I'm not looking to kill myself for these last few years. I see you sending emails at 5 in the morning and 9 at night. I hear you bragging (lol) about listening to work podcasts on your weekends. Nope, not gonna do it. Hope you enjoy it though.

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