
Just value work and working people instead of despising them – perhaps then people would like to work

Besides a just compensation – a salary that enables you to live a comfortable middle class life style – all people want is to be valued. All people want is to value their work. Instead the “bosses” treat people and their work as disposable and unimportant. How the hell do you think will people react to this? How the hell dou you think people will like to work when they are treated like replacable trash?

Besides a just compensation – a salary that enables you to live a comfortable middle class life style – all people want is to be valued. All people want is to value their work.

Instead the “bosses” treat people and their work as disposable and unimportant. How the hell do you think will people react to this? How the hell dou you think people will like to work when they are treated like replacable trash?

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