
Just walked out of a job for the first time

I had been working at this industrial job for nearly a year now, the entire time my direct manager was an absolute asshole to me. I put up with it, got to my breaking point and found another job. Put in my 2 week notice two days ago out of courtesy for the nice people who still work there. But today I learned that my friend, who is in her 60s and has worked there 16 years, makes less than me, who is 19 and has much less experience.

I had been working at this industrial job for nearly a year now, the entire time my direct manager was an absolute asshole to me. I put up with it, got to my breaking point and found another job. Put in my 2 week notice two days ago out of courtesy for the nice people who still work there. But today I learned that my friend, who is in her 60s and has worked there 16 years, makes less than me, who is 19 and has much less experience.

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