
Just walked out of my abusive job

I was working as a full time cook at a small hole in the wall restaurant, the resturant recently had a rebranding with a new owner and when I started all the the current staff had quit and rumors were going around that the reason was Becuase of the new owner. After working for a few months I was in the middle of a move and had a few bills racked up due to the joys of moving costs. Paydays are on the 15th and 30th so on the 30th of may I sent my boss a text asking when I could come pick up my check, 2 hours later I sent another text asking if my check could just be ready before 5 before the banks close. An hour after the last text I get a phone call, immediately he starts yelling at me screaming “have I ever not…

I was working as a full time cook at a small hole in the wall restaurant, the resturant recently had a rebranding with a new owner and when I started all the the current staff had quit and rumors were going around that the reason was Becuase of the new owner.

After working for a few months I was in the middle of a move and had a few bills racked up due to the joys of moving costs. Paydays are on the 15th and 30th so on the 30th of may I sent my boss a text asking when I could come pick up my check, 2 hours later I sent another text asking if my check could just be ready before 5 before the banks close.

An hour after the last text I get a phone call, immediately he starts yelling at me screaming “have I ever not payed you” and “you need to know your place” as soon as I tried to respond to anything he hung up on me. I got a text from my other manager right after saying my check will be ready to pick up at 4.

Relunctly I stayed working there as I still needed the job and bills won't pay themselves. A week goes by and the owner finally shows his face again in the restaurant and I asked if he could sit down with me and we can talk about the way he spoke to me on Monday, he refused to chat and doubled down saying he stood by what he said and if I don't like it, then too bad. Me at this point a little agitated insisted that we sit down and address the situation, as I do he starts to walk away through the dining room all while yelling at me to grow up and he's the boss and I need to suck it up. At this point he's yelling at me I front of all the staff and all the dining guest so I responded by taking my apron off and walking out.

Its now the next day and I get a lengthy text from him that I need to return my resturant key today or he will pursue legal action to get it back and demands I write him a formal letter of resignation.

Added fun fact for the 4 months that I worked there I Recieved 8 paycheck and only 3 paystubs, he refuses to provide any paystubs for past checks and I have also not been paid for any of the stat holidays that I have worked. Not too sure what my next course of action should be in this situation.

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