
Just walked out of my Job.

I worked a hosting job at a chain Resturant. (Think big cookies and oral sex) We just had 2 out of the 5 Hosts quit last week, and today was the last straw. Between an incompetent manager, though most were decent, incompetent coworkers that id have to basically baby sit, high stress, and low pay I couldn't do it anymore. I come in to the system being down, no biggie. Then when it comes time to open im missing the ONLY server who was covering inside (manager sent him on an errand). When I ask about the servers whereabouts im brushed off and told not to seat his section. Which is all of inside. And then I have my replacement call out so I'd be forced to stay hours after my availability ends. I had a larger party come in, so I prepared to sit them at our large table…

I worked a hosting job at a chain Resturant. (Think big cookies and oral sex)

We just had 2 out of the 5 Hosts quit last week, and today was the last straw. Between an incompetent manager, though most were decent, incompetent coworkers that id have to basically baby sit, high stress, and low pay I couldn't do it anymore.

I come in to the system being down, no biggie. Then when it comes time to open im missing the ONLY server who was covering inside (manager sent him on an errand). When I ask about the servers whereabouts im brushed off and told not to seat his section. Which is all of inside. And then I have my replacement call out so I'd be forced to stay hours after my availability ends.

I had a larger party come in, so I prepared to sit them at our large table until they made a rather large stink about wanting to sit in our back room with lower tables. So I seat them in the back table. I then had a server, the GM, and then another manager all come to tell me off one after the other.

When the second manager came I simply said fuck this job, im out. When he tried to calm me down and have me stay I went off on him explaining that I dont get paid enough to deal with all this crap. And when I he said I did, I informed him of the fact that I'm $3,000 in rent and not homeless simply due to good grace.

I walked out and im not going back.

I feel really bad for my coworkers, but im not going to subject myself to that for the scraps im given even if it means making their lives a bit harder.

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