
Just wanna be my own boss – sick of running on the hampster wheel

Long time lurker, first time poster. I've seen a lot of stuff in this sub from various employees that have made me truly mad at some of the restrictions/orders/expectations placed on people, much less during a never ending pandemic. I've always struggled with being an office-minion, while I don't mind the standard 'come in, do your work, go home' what drains my soul is the incessant meetings and 'team building' bullshit we have to endure, I'm also a hugely creative person so the monotony is not always a good thing for me either. Today an email was sent out company wide advising that all internal and external calls made using our MS Teams program will now be recorded. I work entirely remotely, as do about 60% of our company, so to me this feels like a huge invasion of privacy as well as taking micro-managing to a whole new level.…

Long time lurker, first time poster. I've seen a lot of stuff in this sub from various employees that have made me truly mad at some of the restrictions/orders/expectations placed on people, much less during a never ending pandemic. I've always struggled with being an office-minion, while I don't mind the standard 'come in, do your work, go home' what drains my soul is the incessant meetings and 'team building' bullshit we have to endure, I'm also a hugely creative person so the monotony is not always a good thing for me either.
Today an email was sent out company wide advising that all internal and external calls made using our MS Teams program will now be recorded. I work entirely remotely, as do about 60% of our company, so to me this feels like a huge invasion of privacy as well as taking micro-managing to a whole new level. Am I overreacting? I'm a good worker, so I know I don't have anything to worry about, I just feel like this is just another step in the direction of corporate slavery and falling victim to corporations' need for control.

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