
just wanna vent

Fiancé and I have been home from work all week with covid. She is on the phone with her dad right now trying to figure out future travel plans. He’s asking her about taking time off work, and she just said to him- “Dad, I feel really bad but I literally can’t ask for any more days off work. They’re telling me that they may not let me go to Spain now because I got covid like my job is literally hanging on by a thread.” (Spain trip is three weeks in July- annual family trip that has already been approved) That sentence coming out of her mouth just sounded so incredibly ridiculous. Wanted to share.

Fiancé and I have been home from work all week with covid. She is on the phone with her dad right now trying to figure out future travel plans. He’s asking her about taking time off work, and she just said to him-

“Dad, I feel really bad but I literally can’t ask for any more days off work. They’re telling me that they may not let me go to Spain now because I got covid like my job is literally hanging on by a thread.”

(Spain trip is three weeks in July- annual family trip that has already been approved)

That sentence coming out of her mouth just sounded so incredibly ridiculous. Wanted to share.

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