
Just wanted to thank you all for all the tips and tricks because I finally got to use them. Come on inside for a tale of extra PTO and back pay!

I’m on mobile if any formatting issues! This will be long, I am sorry in advance lol. I work for a meal prep company with multiple locations in my state. I started back with Company in January. Easy work, in my field, not busting my ass like when I worked in my previous field. I come in, I do my job, I leave. However, we eventually are very understaffed. I don’t mind working weekends, but it was every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If I wanted to get any days of the weekend off, I learned to request off in advance. So I would put in for a day here, a weekend there a few months in advance. I wanted to go to full time, so they needed me to work at the other store one day a week. That’s fine. It was 30 miles away from home and then tolls…

I’m on mobile if any formatting issues! This will be long, I am sorry in advance lol.

I work for a meal prep company with multiple locations in my state. I started back with Company in January. Easy work, in my field, not busting my ass like when I worked in my previous field. I come in, I do my job, I leave. However, we eventually are very understaffed. I don’t mind working weekends, but it was every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. If I wanted to get any days of the weekend off, I learned to request off in advance. So I would put in for a day here, a weekend there a few months in advance. I wanted to go to full time, so they needed me to work at the other store one day a week. That’s fine. It was 30 miles away from home and then tolls but that’s fine, it was one day a week.

We then lose all but one employee at the other location and suddenly I find myself there 3/4 days a week. This was back in the summer when gas was $4.50 a gallon in my state at its highest. So with my car, I needed to use 2 gallons of gas plus however much for tolls each way. If I didn’t take tolls, it would have added an additional 30/45 minutes to my commute. I talked to my boss about asking for help from corporate. She mentioned it to them, I’d ask every few weeks, nothing. I eventually didn’t ask for a while. She would say she would get me a gas card on her day off. Never happened. My manager put in her notice at my job, so I was on her asking if she could take care of it. She said she would or at least try. She did not. I mention it to her boss who is now at our store and helping out as we find staff. Apparently whoever was tasked with it prior, they left and didn’t tell anyone. My boss says she will take care of it. It’s been another several weeks so I ask her before she went on vacation out of country for 2 weeks if she handled it. No response. Okay. Cool.

So on another note, I sent an email 6 days ago about wanting to use PTO I saved up from working holidays. Stated it would be for tbis pay period. New manager didn’t know how to put it in, fine. But boss said she would. She did not. She also told them that it was for the pay period at the end of the month when I go on a big trip. Also false. So I escalated it to my BOSSES BOSS. I provided them with my emails, and texts (thanks guys) saying otherwise. I also mentioned the gas and tolls issue from quite literally 4 months ago. First, I thought I was gonna have 22.5 hours of PTO for the 3 days, my boss said it was actually 21. I sent an email saying I wanted to use two of those days, totaling in 12.5 hours. Turns out, I actually have 24 hours and instead of 12.5, I can use 16. Apparently I get 8 hours for working a holiday regardless, even though a shift was 5.5 hours. I also got confirmation that I can expense the mileage from when I was at the other store and also my tolls.

This was great news, I get my money back. It’s a pain in the ass, as I need to go through months of schedules and my toll invoices to get the information. But that’s okay, I can do so on company time since they need to wait for my other boss to get back.

So yeah, I need to do a lot of leg work but at 58.5 cents a mile and a 60 mile round trip not including tolls, I’m gonna get a PRETTY penny. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t take care of shit sooner. Their loss, my gain. We also got a bonus for this month because of the big storm that affected us. Our bonus goes for per hour worked, so those extra 16 hours count too. Cheers, y’all.

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