
Just wanting to rant

Fuck insurance tied to employers. Fuck the grind life. Fuck worrying about losing income to take off to care for family.Fuck work. My wife just miscarried and I cant leave work due to points and we need money. So shes at home bleeding out. Eventually it got bad enough I had to leave work. But my points are up so I'll probably get fired. FMLA wont cover it unless it's over a week.(or some other filing good luck with that though). Then I get to go to the er and spend a fucking co pay, I cant afford to treat her. Copays are fucking scams. Just charge my god damn insurance another 200$ you're already billing them for like 20k what's another 200. I'm sinking financially already and now missing more work so were fucked with a side of you guessed it fucked. Fuck this capitalist hell hole known as…

Fuck insurance tied to employers. Fuck the grind life. Fuck worrying about losing income to take off to care for family.Fuck work.
My wife just miscarried and I cant leave work due to points and we need money. So shes at home bleeding out. Eventually it got bad enough I had to leave work. But my points are up so I'll probably get fired. FMLA wont cover it unless it's over a week.(or some other filing good luck with that though).
Then I get to go to the er and spend a fucking co pay, I cant afford to treat her. Copays are fucking scams. Just charge my god damn insurance another 200$ you're already billing them for like 20k what's another 200.
I'm sinking financially already and now missing more work so were fucked with a side of you guessed it fucked.
Fuck this capitalist hell hole known as the USA.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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