
Karen may get me fired

Had a customer walk up to me today while arguing with her husband over the phone. Told me she was putting him on speaker as she did not understand what he wanted. Long story short she need like my answer. Wasn't the one she wanted. She walked away in a huff. My Manger was busy at the time but when he was free I asked to speak to him. He told me to come into the office were I was told the customer had said I cussed at her. I didn't but that didn't matter I was told to go home until the head Manger came in next week. Just sad that a hard working high numbers employee is punished because of a customer lie. First response is yep employee over a customer. Sorry for the rant just saddened after all my hard work, loyalty and treating all customers with…

Had a customer walk up to me today while arguing with her husband over the phone. Told me she was putting him on speaker as she did not understand what he wanted. Long story short she need like my answer. Wasn't the one she wanted. She walked away in a huff. My Manger was busy at the time but when he was free I asked to speak to him. He told me to come into the office were I was told the customer had said I cussed at her. I didn't but that didn't matter I was told to go home until the head Manger came in next week. Just sad that a hard working high numbers employee is punished because of a customer lie. First response is yep employee over a customer. Sorry for the rant just saddened after all my hard work, loyalty and treating all customers with respect I still may lose my job. Get to stress all weekend. Can't tell my wife as she is on a trip with her mother. Even suggested let's get a camera so interactions are recorded. Doesn't bother me to be on video as I treat everyone the same.
Thanks all

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