
Keep applying to jobs. Not much of luck lately. Another rejection letter today.

This one was from Starbucks. I live in CA and they pay min wage. Interview was long but easy like why do you want to work here, what would you do if someone was stealing, tell me a difficult situation, what would you do if an order is incorrect etc. I told her how I value my customers and give them personalized service, I am good at memorizing what they get. Always say welcome. If an order is incorrect I will make the correct one immediately. She said just that? Told her I would offer something extra. Told her I don't take things personally, I am flexible, I can help other stores. She was, 'Great! Well, our wage is $16.50, we start at 20 hours and there are pooled tips. You are expected to work between 4am and 11pm.' Then I asked her the typical questions like what made her…

This one was from Starbucks. I live in CA and they pay min wage. Interview was long but easy like why do you want to work here, what would you do if someone was stealing, tell me a difficult situation, what would you do if an order is incorrect etc.

I told her how I value my customers and give them personalized service, I am good at memorizing what they get. Always say welcome. If an order is incorrect I will make the correct one immediately. She said just that? Told her I would offer something extra.

Told her I don't take things personally, I am flexible, I can help other stores. She was, 'Great! Well, our wage is $16.50, we start at 20 hours and there are pooled tips. You are expected to work between 4am and 11pm.'

Then I asked her the typical questions like what made her work for Starbucks. She was like, “Starbucks changed my life because college wasn't good! They promoted me within a year.”
I asked her where she sees herself in 5 years and she was like,
“Umm. Good question. My boss asked me too. Well… I don't know! Maybe get a job with corporate? I really feel honored to have been accepted by this company.”

Yeah all smooth she told me by next week she would let me know if I got it. Even offered me a coffee at the end. Today she sent me a rejection email telling me that I wasn't a good fit and sorry for the harsh news.
Sent her an email asking her for feedback and she was like, “You are just aren't what we are looking for.”


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