
Keep quitting multiple jobs

I’m 28y/o and I’ve had 5 jobs in the last 6 months. I work as a painters helper and been having a hard time find a good spot to grow. The workplace either doesn’t have enough workflow or the painter I work with is terribly lazy and leaves me to do all the work. I don’t mind working, I actually enjoy it because I feel like it’s an accomplishment. I often jump on difficult task to make my self better but other people see that as an option to do easier task. It might sound silly but, I would switch to an easier task and I would watch either the other helper or paint completely avoid the difficult task. I know it’s my job to prep and I should be happy if I have any help at all but after awhile it becomes taxing. I can’t seem to focus only…

I’m 28y/o and I’ve had 5 jobs in the last 6 months. I work as a painters helper and been having a hard time find a good spot to grow. The workplace either doesn’t have enough workflow or the painter I work with is terribly lazy and leaves me to do all the work. I don’t mind working, I actually enjoy it because I feel like it’s an accomplishment. I often jump on difficult task to make my self better but other people see that as an option to do easier task. It might sound silly but, I would switch to an easier task and I would watch either the other helper or paint completely avoid the difficult task. I know it’s my job to prep and I should be happy if I have any help at all but after awhile it becomes taxing. I can’t seem to focus only on myself and work. My eyes often watch other employees who split a percentage with me from our commission do less work. When I watch other do less work and leave me with the hard things, I feel like they are basically saying screw me. This is often not the case and I find myself over thinking and mad for no reason. The whole point is, I’ve grown accustomed to the paychecks I get as a painter helper and i can’t find a good place to work (in my opinion) and I feel like it’s too late to change careers. I want to be a painter and can paint but still struggle with certain colors. My lack of painter experience makes no one want to hire me as a painter and I cant control my temper long enough to stay as a prepper. I really would like to say I try to communicate my problems with other people, though it’s not always the correct choice of words to use(not curse words just bluntness) and is probably unprofessional. I hate feeling taken advantage of as most people, but I tend to hold a grudge because I can’t retaliate which leads to my temper growing. Minor problem after minor problem goes unresolved and I just leave. I’m embarrassed because I have no one to talk to and my wife just left me the same day I lost my job. She left by text and never gave me a chance to defend myself after she misread texts in my phone. I’ve been thinking it’s probably all my fault due to me being the common denominator in these equations. I wake up angry and I’m not sure why and she probably didn’t appreciate that. I feel like if admit these things to people I will feel better and they will understand me more, but I feel like they only use it to take advantage of me. Sorry for the rant.

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