
Kim Kardashian’s Speech, Inflation, Record Profits, and The Worker Shortage Are All Connected.

I want to hear your opinions about inflation, record profits, and the rich. I have been thinking a lot about the Kim Kardashian video. She sounds so angry about, “people not getting off their asses and going back to work” and I realized a few things: She is suffering because of less people working. Her sweatshops are likely very understaffed. Not to mention she is probably getting less attentive service when she goes to restaurants or events where there is less service workers in general because of companies eliminating jobs and less available people. She has decided the reason for this is people sitting on their asses and not working when it is actually because we are still in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has killed at least 1 million people in the US alone. And likely more due to underreporting. Not to mention the rise in homelessness…

I want to hear your opinions about inflation, record profits, and the rich.

I have been thinking a lot about the Kim Kardashian video. She sounds so angry about, “people not getting off their asses and going back to work” and I realized a few things:

  1. She is suffering because of less people working. Her sweatshops are likely very understaffed. Not to mention she is probably getting less attentive service when she goes to restaurants or events where there is less service workers in general because of companies eliminating jobs and less available people.

  2. She has decided the reason for this is people sitting on their asses and not working when it is actually because we are still in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has killed at least 1 million people in the US alone. And likely more due to underreporting. Not to mention the rise in homelessness nationwide.

  3. Companies are triggering inflation and record profits out of corporate greed and a belief that there are these large sums of people who are still riding that high we got from the $600 stimulus check we got 13 months ago. They may not be doing it on purpose, but out of a will to have constant growth like wall street always wants. they are needlessly raising prices out of fear of the future (possible war in Europe) and fear of working class people taking advantage of them.

  4. The pandemic has effected service workers and the lower class way harder than anyone is willing to admit. Kardashian is probably looking around LA at the large houseless community and thinking that that proves her right when it proves how our of touch she is. Her rant was the modern day “Let them eat cake” which she better shut the fuck up and learn soon because that did not end well for Marie Antoinette.

If you made it to the end, congratulations. Thanks for reading my rant.

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