
(kind of a long one) written up for using the bathroom while i was the only bartender during slow hours.

going to try and not give too much info out. but, to keep a long story relatively short, i have gastro issues that make me poop my brains out multiple times a day. management has been informed of this before. last week, i called out on a saturday for mental health reasons. managers know i lost a friend very recently to drugs, so it's been rough. they were understanding… up until now. i texted my manager well in advance, like 12 hour's advance about not coming in. he basically said suck it up and come in, or you'll be reprimanded. i chose my health over work. i called out anyway. the day i come back, not even an hour after i clocked in, i am called into the office. told that i left the bar unattended for over 20 minutes one day, and that the new girl (who loves to…

going to try and not give too much info out. but, to keep a long story relatively short, i have gastro issues that make me poop my brains out multiple times a day. management has been informed of this before.

last week, i called out on a saturday for mental health reasons. managers know i lost a friend very recently to drugs, so it's been rough. they were understanding… up until now.

i texted my manager well in advance, like 12 hour's advance about not coming in. he basically said suck it up and come in, or you'll be reprimanded.

i chose my health over work. i called out anyway.

the day i come back, not even an hour after i clocked in, i am called into the office. told that i left the bar unattended for over 20 minutes one day, and that the new girl (who loves to tattle and lie) had to service “10-12” members while i was gone. then, he asks if i remember this. i again explain my condition and that i have to leave and use the bathroom and can't help it, but that there's no fucking way i was gone for that long. he then says another manager came down here, and i had left the “help yourself” sign up for over 30 minutes and went on a break. lies. all lies. i knew it wasn't true but he succeeded in gaslighting me. i signed the write up. stupid, ik.

anyways, a few days later, i am talking to some supervisors and employees involved. come to find out, the first incident in question (that i had trouble remembering), my friend was IN THERE WHEN IT HAPPENED. he told me that i hadn't even been gone long enough to open the bathroom door, the new girl walks in, demands to know where I was, and then two or three- NOT ten, NOT twelve- guests come in and order drinks.

she inflated the story to make herself look like a victim and me look like a slacker.

the second incident, where allegedly another manager reported me for being gone “over thirty minutes”, i asked the manager in question and she said THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED. i think she lied tbh tho, because she then threw a really trustworthy supervisor who ik wouldn't lie on me under the bus, and said he was the one that complained on me! but i remember that day, and that's so not what happened. i asked him to go on break, and he was off doing something else so he said it wasn't a good idea to. so i didn't.

so there's at least two people lying here, and i am sick and tired of it. there's so much drama, and me getting written up for something that's literally a medical condition was the last straw. i put my notice in. they didn't seem surprised. idc anymore. i am LEAVING!

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