
Kind of worried about my future and my mental health

It seems like no matter what I cannot find work I enjoy or that gives me meaning. I make 3D art for video games as a side thing and I am working on a couple indie games for a small company, but pay won’t go into effect until the game is out, and it might not at all, so I’m stuck working in the mean time. I have to balance money and working on what I actually care about and it’s starting to get to me. Every job I have to work I don’t last more than 3-5 months at… and I just cannot get out of this depression. I’ve had to contact the suicide helpline a number of times… I worry that I will never get out of this cage of work just to barely be able to work on what I actually love. I don’t see any point…

It seems like no matter what I cannot find work I enjoy or that gives me meaning. I make 3D art for video games as a side thing and I am working on a couple indie games for a small company, but pay won’t go into effect until the game is out, and it might not at all, so I’m stuck working in the mean time. I have to balance money and working on what I actually care about and it’s starting to get to me. Every job I have to work I don’t last more than 3-5 months at… and I just cannot get out of this depression. I’ve had to contact the suicide helpline a number of times… I worry that I will never get out of this cage of work just to barely be able to work on what I actually love. I don’t see any point in life if I can’t make art, or do what I want for a living. I don’t want to play the work game anymore… how do I get out?

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