
Know your worth, people. Don’t let your labor become a “good deal”.

With inflation, things have been getting tight for me and the wife. We're relatively comfortable in the highest COL area in the world (Yay vancouver) – we have roommates and are in a rent-controlled townhome. Combined with lowest wages for our field (tech) – we were just on that dumb treadmill lots of us our age feel (30-ish). Can't save enough to buy anything significant except a day trip here and there, paying off student loans, worrying if my beater car will die this month or next, or if splurging for tires is worth it. Same story you've heard before, tempted to move back to our parents to help save for a downpayment that sounds like a make believe amount – who the hell has 20% of 800k for a downpayment? Have you ever just flat out saved 150k? Ridiculous. My parents house here was 220k 20 years ago. I've…

With inflation, things have been getting tight for me and the wife. We're relatively comfortable in the highest COL area in the world (Yay vancouver) – we have roommates and are in a rent-controlled townhome. Combined with lowest wages for our field (tech) – we were just on that dumb treadmill lots of us our age feel (30-ish). Can't save enough to buy anything significant except a day trip here and there, paying off student loans, worrying if my beater car will die this month or next, or if splurging for tires is worth it. Same story you've heard before, tempted to move back to our parents to help save for a downpayment that sounds like a make believe amount – who the hell has 20% of 800k for a downpayment? Have you ever just flat out saved 150k? Ridiculous. My parents house here was 220k 20 years ago.

I've worked for this company for 5+ years and i needed a raise. Im underpaid for my role in industry, and my former mentor made 40% more than me in a similar role. I knew this and stuck around because of loyalty (naiveté).

I asked my boss for a raise, and we started making a plan, 10k extra by end of year if i hit multiple milestones. This would take me to the BARE MINIMUM my role (Think assistant manager or keyholder) would make if i left and went somewhere else.

Then, out of nowhere, the company gets sold. New company gets all the staff and updates our compensation packages.

I got a 40% raise, better benefits, equity, and a team to manage. Person i spoke to said this was “industry standard for my role and experience”. Old company was just “getting a good deal” on me.

I got lucky. I would be fighting still for that raise, and it wouldn't even be guaranteed. They'd make me jump through hoops and do the work of 1.5 people, just to make the bare minimum someone would make elsewhere doing the same shit.


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