
knowing that I will have to work a full time job for the rest of my life makes me want to die

I’d like to preface this by saying I’m not a danger to myself or others, so please don’t treat me as one (though I understand the concern). I’m 24 and have been working the corporate jabroni 8-5 (actually 7-6 when I was commuting) since the beginning of the pandemic. I have very few friends, no hobbies, and can barely chalk up enough energy to feed myself after work most days. I can’t live like this. I’ve seen plenty of studies as to why I won’t be able to retire, ever. I have no support system if I needed to start working part time or not at all. I couldn’t afford to go to a mental hospital if I needed one. I can’t afford to save. At this point I am wondering if I should move out of my place (one of my few joys is that I don’t have roommates)…

I’d like to preface this by saying I’m not a danger to myself or others, so please don’t treat me as one (though I understand the concern).

I’m 24 and have been working the corporate jabroni 8-5 (actually 7-6 when I was commuting) since the beginning of the pandemic. I have very few friends, no hobbies, and can barely chalk up enough energy to feed myself after work most days. I can’t live like this.

I’ve seen plenty of studies as to why I won’t be able to retire, ever. I have no support system if I needed to start working part time or not at all. I couldn’t afford to go to a mental hospital if I needed one. I can’t afford to save.

At this point I am wondering if I should move out of my place (one of my few joys is that I don’t have roommates) so my expenses can be lower, but I recently had to resign the lease for 2 years so my rent wouldn’t be raised. Now the expense of buying out of it is overwhelming also.

My job pays okay, but not enough to get by. I won’t be up for a raise for at least another calendar year. I keep thinking I’ll be happier with another job, but I am worried that all full time work will feel this way as that’s all I have evidence to support.

I am not living, I’m barely alive and I am in a pretty severe and debilitating amount of mental pain every day. Capitalism has just led me to believe I am deficient.

Does anyone have any advice on how to craft your life so you can afford to live, not exploit others, and not work most of your life away?

TL;DR whiny youth hates working boo hoo, prosperity is a myth, need advice

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