
laid off and idk what to do

They should have just fired me. The company is losing tons of money so the owner is cutting people im not sure how the fuck thats my problem. Also if you run a small company like the one I work at you're a peice of shit if you don't call the employee and let them know. I shouldn't have to figure it out from someone else. The way it was worded seemed more like a firing then a lay off. Idk if its a permanent deal or not if I should wait or what. I'm going on vacation in two weeks anyway so I probably won't look for a job until then. Part of me wants to drain them of unemployeement. I will definitely be filing all the illegal things they do and reporting them.

They should have just fired me. The company is losing tons of money so the owner is cutting people im not sure how the fuck thats my problem. Also if you run a small company like the one I work at you're a peice of shit if you don't call the employee and let them know. I shouldn't have to figure it out from someone else. The way it was worded seemed more like a firing then a lay off. Idk if its a permanent deal or not if I should wait or what. I'm going on vacation in two weeks anyway so I probably won't look for a job until then. Part of me wants to drain them of unemployeement. I will definitely be filing all the illegal things they do and reporting them.

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