
Laid off with only one paycheck worth of severance

Yesterday I was laid off from a job I had only been working for a total of 4 months after they recruited me to leave my last job to come work for them. A week into working for them, my previous job laid off almost 100 people including my old boss. 4 months later, I'm laid off and given a severance worth barely a full paycheck. I know it's not my fault but I feel so discouraged to find something new.

Yesterday I was laid off from a job I had only been working for a total of 4 months after they recruited me to leave my last job to come work for them. A week into working for them, my previous job laid off almost 100 people including my old boss. 4 months later, I'm laid off and given a severance worth barely a full paycheck. I know it's not my fault but I feel so discouraged to find something new.

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