On a Monday I was WFH. I received a call from my boss in the morning. Joined to see my boss and another HR manager on call. Basically laid me off without warning with a severance package. Demanded I turn in my work laptop/badge by the end of that same day. Just like that I was discarded. I worked there for barely over a year. I was going to make my jump but they pulled the trigger before I could. No thank yous or warm farewells.
Next week will be officially a month since. I am going through my first experience of getting laid off at my first real job at 26. I am currently unemployed. I absolutely dread the job hunt/interview processes- dehumanizing and cold. Scored only a few interviews but of course received no responses/rejections. I am in a pretty dark place mentally and hate how we tie our self worth to our jobs or at least I do because I can be a perfectionist most times. Freaking out about my finances and it’s no joke…
Ironically, I self reflected a lot about how I want to shape my career and life. I’ve been able to take my time to relax, take care of my health, work out, connect with family/friends and just not having to worry about working. I wish we can all thrive in better work conditions.