
land lords and investors are the real moochers in society

A lot of people like to look down on us wage slaves when we need extra help, or saying we need to bootstrap up… They say that we need to get rid of these welfare recipients… Something nobody really thinks about is the true people offering no value to this society are the capitalist class. Is a land lord really offering a good or a service? No they are charging more than a mortgage would be because they have more money or credit, meanwhile telling you that you couldn't afford the cheaper mortgage. They are moocher, parasites to society… Reaping what they never sowed. Capitalist investors are the also massive leeches… I mean they take part of your production because they have more money than you… Not because they do something or work… Then they come at you as a underpaid worker and say you needing welfare because they are…

A lot of people like to look down on us wage slaves when we need extra help, or saying we need to bootstrap up… They say that we need to get rid of these welfare recipients… Something nobody really thinks about is the true people offering no value to this society are the capitalist class.

Is a land lord really offering a good or a service? No they are charging more than a mortgage would be because they have more money or credit, meanwhile telling you that you couldn't afford the cheaper mortgage. They are moocher, parasites to society… Reaping what they never sowed.

Capitalist investors are the also massive leeches… I mean they take part of your production because they have more money than you… Not because they do something or work… Then they come at you as a underpaid worker and say you needing welfare because they are underpaying are a leech on society… They are.

Walmart based their entire employment structure on using Medicare and welfare to supplement the wages, meanwhile paying hardly anything in taxes.

Never ever let the investors and land lord lecture you on us poor working class being parasites… They are the parasites sucking a the wealth out of society while giving nothing back to society…

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