
landlords are leeches, full stop. If you’re a landlord and consider yourself a get person, well let’s just say a lot of people are in denial about there moral failings

I've met people who had a spare room and LET someone live there. Didn't have them pay down the mortgage or nothing. I've met people who bought a house and donated it to someone who wants to open a shelter or left there house for a good cause in their will. I've met people who had wealth and gave it up for others. Y'all are not doing stuff like that y'all are not doing some great moral good. I know you fashion yourselves “not the baddies” but sorry. The economic/political/social relation of a renter to a landlord is parasitic. There's no way around it. If you're mad about that work to build a system where people have an innate right to housing. But until the basic legal realities that define the tenet-landlord relationship are fundamentally gone to the point of being unrecognizable, landlords are leeches.

I've met people who had a spare room and LET someone live there. Didn't have them pay down the mortgage or nothing. I've met people who bought a house and donated it to someone who wants to open a shelter or left there house for a good cause in their will. I've met people who had wealth and gave it up for others. Y'all are not doing stuff like that y'all are not doing some great moral good. I know you fashion yourselves “not the baddies” but sorry. The economic/political/social relation of a renter to a landlord is parasitic. There's no way around it. If you're mad about that work to build a system where people have an innate right to housing. But until the basic legal realities that define the tenet-landlord relationship are fundamentally gone to the point of being unrecognizable, landlords are leeches.

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