
Last night I got fired for telling my boss maybe he shouldn’t be wasted behind the bar

Last night I was fired from Seapine Brewing in Seattle ,WA for telling the owner that it wasn't a good look to be super drunk behind the bar. He had been pouring his own beers and drinking for hours with friends and then came behind the bar and started chatting with some customers who had been sitting there for a while. I started getting the vibe that the customers were getting uncomfortable so I asked him if we could pull off to the side. After I told him that if we was going to keep drinking maybe he should stick to the other side of the bar he launched into a 20 minutes long tirade in varying degrees of volume and tone about how he's the owner and can do whatever he wants and I'm not allowed to “check” him. He fired me then told me I still had a…

Last night I was fired from Seapine Brewing in Seattle ,WA for telling the owner that it wasn't a good look to be super drunk behind the bar.

He had been pouring his own beers and drinking for hours with friends and then came behind the bar and started chatting with some customers who had been sitting there for a while. I started getting the vibe that the customers were getting uncomfortable so I asked him if we could pull off to the side. After I told him that if we was going to keep drinking maybe he should stick to the other side of the bar he launched into a 20 minutes long tirade in varying degrees of volume and tone about how he's the owner and can do whatever he wants and I'm not allowed to “check” him. He fired me then told me I still had a job 3 different times during his rant and also delivered choice lines about “you fucking millennials” (I'm 34) and “do you know how much I pay in taxes”

The whole thing was pretty wild and kept going in circles. By the end of he he told me to “shut the place down now.” So I did. Once I got my tip out he told me to leave and that he'd see me tomorrow. Once I was home the taproom manager texted me to tell me I no longer had a job there.

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