
Last paycheck options in California… they’re trying to offer Wisely deposit, mail it or make me go back after my final day. I have a call into HR.

In the state of CA the labor code (section 202) states “if the employee has given 72 hours notice of intention to quit, the employee is entitled to his wages at the time of quitting.” I gave them two weeks notice which means I should be paid at the end of my last shift right?! However, my last shift is in the evening after the boss folks have left for the day. They just emailed and want me to let them know how I want my last paycheck. My options were: •come back for the check •get it mailed •have it Wisely direct deposited (which I have not heard of) I would like to respond and tell them I’ll take my paycheck and pto payout in my hand at the end of my shift on my last day. Just because it’s inconvenient for them to drive the 10 mins to…

In the state of CA the labor code (section 202) states “if the employee has given 72 hours notice of intention to quit, the employee is entitled to his wages at the time of quitting.” I gave them two weeks notice which means I should be paid at the end of my last shift right?!

However, my last shift is in the evening after the boss folks have left for the day. They just emailed and want me to let them know how I want my last paycheck. My options were: •come back for the check
•get it mailed
•have it Wisely direct deposited (which I have not heard of)

I would like to respond and tell them I’ll take my paycheck and pto payout in my hand at the end of my shift on my last day. Just because it’s inconvenient for them to drive the 10 mins to the office to hand me a check doesn’t mean its my job to make their life easier on my way out. They also just want me to turn in my keys and badge in an envelope outside their office door?!

Seems like they can’t be bothered so I called HR to seek clarification. But this all seems shady (and adds to the reasons I’m leaving). Thoughts?

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