
Layoffs coming yet again, but companies have record profits. isn’t that funny?

If you go on LinkedIn, it keeps trying to show you articles about the layoffs, and they have a layoffs tracker now where they show which companies are laying people off, restructuring, etc. But it's funny because a lot of these companies that are doing layoffs and the executives who are claiming that they are struggling currently, they have record-breaking profits every single quarter including this one. How come they have record profits and revenues, but they can't keep people? That's funny

If you go on LinkedIn, it keeps trying to show you articles about the layoffs, and they have a layoffs tracker now where they show which companies are laying people off, restructuring, etc. But it's funny because a lot of these companies that are doing layoffs and the executives who are claiming that they are struggling currently, they have record-breaking profits every single quarter including this one. How come they have record profits and revenues, but they can't keep people?

That's funny

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