
Lazy coworker gets away with everything and I’m chewed out for small mistakes

Anyone else have this coworker that’s even lazier than you yet they never seem to get in trouble or held accountable for their actions yet you get chewed out for every little mistake? I put in the bare minimum and try to do my best, she does even less. I have to send her invoices for approval and set up daily reminders. I even tried ccing her boss on them but the worst that’s happened is an invoice I needed by the end of the month sitting for A MONTH. the average time she takes to approve is two weeks yet every time I attempt to bring it up to my boss she also complains yet her boss won’t discipline her for it. Meanwhile if I make a minor mistake I’m always chewed out for it. This (bitch) is starting to make my job very difficult yet I’m afraid to…

Anyone else have this coworker that’s even lazier than you yet they never seem to get in trouble or held accountable for their actions yet you get chewed out for every little mistake?

I put in the bare minimum and try to do my best, she does even less. I have to send her invoices for approval and set up daily reminders. I even tried ccing her boss on them but the worst that’s happened is an invoice I needed by the end of the month sitting for A MONTH. the average time she takes to approve is two weeks yet every time I attempt to bring it up to my boss she also complains yet her boss won’t discipline her for it. Meanwhile if I make a minor mistake I’m always chewed out for it. This (bitch) is starting to make my job very difficult yet I’m afraid to escalate it because I’ve only been here 3 months. I’ve tried being nice but now I’m playing hardball and being a little more passive aggressive.

It irritates me and I wonder if the reason she’s kept her job this long is because she hangs out with everyone a lot and plays the system. I’m an introvert who only goes to work events if it’s on paid time yet I’m not unlikeable. I just don’t understand how people THIS incompetent get away with it for years.

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