
Lead said I do the minimal and coworker overdoes things. Should I leave?

Lead said I do the minimal and coworker overdoes things. Then she reported me to boss My lead was instructed by my boss to supervise us. My boss is a MBA managing a team of scientists. Anyway, during my lead’s two years here, she has made 3 experienced people leave. She has over 30 years of experience. I’ve been here for 10 months and my coworker has been here for 7. My lead has unreasonably deadlines and expects things her way. I am very fast (many people told me) and was able to do every little task I was given. However, I honestly rushed myself and did the minimal due to being afraid of not completing it based on my lead’s timeline. She doesn’t give timelines and just randomly assigns something and says to do it without deadline then throws tantrums. I’ve been yelled before. My coworker, who’s scared of…

Lead said I do the minimal and coworker overdoes things. Then she reported me to boss

My lead was instructed by my boss to supervise us. My boss is a MBA managing a team of scientists.

Anyway, during my lead’s two years here, she has made 3 experienced people leave. She has over 30 years of experience. I’ve been here for 10 months and my coworker has been here for 7. My lead has unreasonably deadlines and expects things her way. I am very fast (many people told me) and was able to do every little task I was given. However, I honestly rushed myself and did the minimal due to being afraid of not completing it based on my lead’s timeline. She doesn’t give timelines and just randomly assigns something and says to do it without deadline then throws tantrums. I’ve been yelled before.

My coworker, who’s scared of getting yelled, has been taking her time to do everything to perfection. She always double check and takes very long. I don’t blame her since making minor mistakes could get yelled.

Then my lead complained to my coworker and I that I’m doing too minimal and my coworker is taking way too long to do something minor. I got mad and told her that maybe she’s the issue for not being able to work with anyone.

Then she got angry and went to tell my boss. Of course, my boss supported her and told me that I shouldn’t say those things to my lead and try to be a better team player.

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