
Leadership keeps inviting me to recruiting events and to participate in candidate interviews and IDGAF

What the title says pretty much. I’m not sure if I’m obligated to participate in the hiring process for my team and adjacent teams, but I really don’t give a shit who they hire. I work for a HUGE company, that has recruiters and HR and hiring managers… like why am I doing your job. I understand some people care who their coworkers are and doing outreach and shit, but I’m the last person you want interviewing your candidates because I simply hate working and don’t give a fuck who they hire. Especially when they’re going to make them a higher offer than what I make. Just venting, I have no problem telling my manager to piss off with these invites (again), but it’s comical to me that they continue to send them.

What the title says pretty much. I’m not sure if I’m obligated to participate in the hiring process for my team and adjacent teams, but I really don’t give a shit who they hire. I work for a HUGE company, that has recruiters and HR and hiring managers… like why am I doing your job. I understand some people care who their coworkers are and doing outreach and shit, but I’m the last person you want interviewing your candidates because I simply hate working and don’t give a fuck who they hire. Especially when they’re going to make them a higher offer than what I make.

Just venting, I have no problem telling my manager to piss off with these invites (again), but it’s comical to me that they continue to send them.

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