
Least competent candidate gets hired

Ok. So I had two coworkers compete for the same role. One whom I’ve personally worked with and just sucks. Literally. and the other whom I just know work their ass off. Anyways. They both applied for the same role. Got through to the final round. The least competent one got the job. My coworker mentioned it was between them two in the end. Why is it that good candidates don’t get hired? Is it salary? Note this least competent coworker did shit and had to be hand held 24/7. Yet still gets hired because of previous experience they’ve had. The more competent coworker is extremely well at their job and does it with no issues and no hand holding. Why does this happen to good people?

Ok. So I had two coworkers compete for the same role. One whom I’ve personally worked with and just sucks. Literally. and the other whom I just know work their ass off. Anyways.
They both applied for the same role. Got through to the final round.
The least competent one got the job. My coworker mentioned it was between them two in the end.
Why is it that good candidates don’t get hired? Is it salary? Note this least competent coworker did shit and had to be hand held 24/7. Yet still gets hired because of previous experience they’ve had.
The more competent coworker is extremely well at their job and does it with no issues and no hand holding.

Why does this happen to good people?

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