
Leave Customer Support people alone on LinkedIn

This is mostly a rant, but also a plead, to please not stalk customer support employees on LinkedIn. It’s happened too many times where someone hasn’t liked an answer they received from the customer support team where I work and start blowing up my LinkedIn messages for help and to complain. I don’t even want a LinkedIn, but it’s how I have gotten most of the jobs I’ve held so I need to have it. Last thing I want to see in my personal time though is incoming messages on my phone from customers. My job already bleeds all of my energy from me, so leave me alone. I’m just trying to afford the roof over my head and put food on the table, not be your personal concierge.

This is mostly a rant, but also a plead, to please not stalk customer support employees on LinkedIn. It’s happened too many times where someone hasn’t liked an answer they received from the customer support team where I work and start blowing up my LinkedIn messages for help and to complain. I don’t even want a LinkedIn, but it’s how I have gotten most of the jobs I’ve held so I need to have it. Last thing I want to see in my personal time though is incoming messages on my phone from customers. My job already bleeds all of my energy from me, so leave me alone. I’m just trying to afford the roof over my head and put food on the table, not be your personal concierge.

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