
Leaving do to kitchen manager to lying to people about job opportunities.

I got the job at a restaurant movie theater to be a line cook in June. I was looking for full time employment because I just graduated high school and wanted to take a year off to just work full time and make money before going to college. I got the job and go an interview with the kitchen manager and I specifically stated I want to work full time and be full time employment (in the system also). He said yes and I did all the legal stuff and other new worker stuff, and after a couple days I log into my work system and I see I’m part time in the system. And I’m baffled because 1) I’m getting full time hours making me believe I’m you know actually full time 2) I asked for full time employment and ppl know that means benefit and shit. I told…

I got the job at a restaurant movie theater to be a line cook in June. I was looking for full time employment because I just graduated high school and wanted to take a year off to just work full time and make money before going to college. I got the job and go an interview with the kitchen manager and I specifically stated I want to work full time and be full time employment (in the system also). He said yes and I did all the legal stuff and other new worker stuff, and after a couple days I log into my work system and I see I’m part time in the system. And I’m baffled because 1) I’m getting full time hours making me believe I’m you know actually full time 2) I asked for full time employment and ppl know that means benefit and shit. I told my parents and they were like that’s an asshole move but it’s fine ur getting full time and ur still young enough to be part of our insurance, so I shrug it off. Still upset that he deceived me but I let it slide. Well guess what? He could’ve just told me right in the interview that I was gonna get full time hours in the summer and just downright told me he’s hiring me part time seasonal… because right when school starts, and everyone and I mean everyone’s hours got cut drastically. Like only 2 times a week and ppl are looking for a 2nd job or quitting. And the sad part is ppl who’ve been working here for long time (2+ years)said this never had happen before and feels like a stab in the back they need to get a 2nd job cuz for some apparent reason cutting hrs is a new thing this year. Anyways that part is kinda beside the point. So it’s been 2 months now everyone is working twice a week and guess what? The kitchen manager hires new ppl and said the same thing to me “I’ll give you full time employment” but not only did he deceived ppl, the ppl he hired are 26+ yrs old who asked for full time cuz they actually needed the befits and they don’t cuz they’re part time in the system. And what’s worse is that because it’s not the summer and it’s school they were honestly straight up lied about the hours. Cuz they’re what we are us getting,twice a week. Also, they didn’t have the luxury to get a lot of hrs hours like I did in the summer. And ppl are just straight up confused… long lasting employees are getting hit with this cut when it’s the first time in like ever, one of my co workers who worked here for 3 years said “even when school started I still had 40+ hrs a week, now I have to find another job to pay rent”. And the thing is managers know ppl are quitting cuz the are getting cut, but why are they hiring more ppl when ur not even giving hrs, let alone lying to ppl about the job opportunity. And I know all of this cuz I’ve talked to like 5 ppl about this whole delio, and they all had the same issue . It’s honestly fucked up and morally fucked up. Stop hiring ppl and promising full time and benefits when ur not. And I know the managers has to know cuz I just found out that every kitchen staff but 3 ppl are actually full time in the system. So others probably don’t know or thought it was fine that “I’m not full time but I have full time hours” but now regretting that allowed it because theyre working barley 10 hrs a week. And I know managers know cuz I mean everyone in the kitchen are complaining and so am I. And I talked to my kitchen managers for extra hours and he said “you’ll get 40+ hrs during school breaks and holiday’s ”, and I replied back “if I knew this was going to be kinda seasonal I would’ve denied the opportunity”. Hope this makes sense and my little rant explains the shotguns at work and shows how fucked up it is.

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