
Leaving my job and found a list of all salaries at the company… what do I do?

I put my 2 weeks notice in yesterday. I’m a systems engineer at a small company (about 600 employees). My company is known well for under paying staff badly, it is the main reason I am leaving. Fast forward to today… I was helping one of the Office Managers and had to copy a bunch of files from their personal network folder. When I was back at my desk I opened a few all at once by mistake and one was an excel export of all salaries company wide. It’s so much worse than I thought. Everyone except the few at the top (maybe 30 people) are getting ripped off. Those few at the top? They’re getting it MADE. I’m talking $550k/year for executives when a supervisor that works twice as many hours makes $60k/year. I want to share this info what don’t know how to do so. I don’t…

I put my 2 weeks notice in yesterday. I’m a systems engineer at a small company (about 600 employees). My company is known well for under paying staff badly, it is the main reason I am leaving.

Fast forward to today… I was helping one of the Office Managers and had to copy a bunch of files from their personal network folder. When I was back at my desk I opened a few all at once by mistake and one was an excel export of all salaries company wide.

It’s so much worse than I thought. Everyone except the few at the top (maybe 30 people) are getting ripped off. Those few at the top? They’re getting it MADE. I’m talking $550k/year for executives when a supervisor that works twice as many hours makes $60k/year.

I want to share this info what don’t know how to do so. I don’t want to get in any legal trouble, too. I thought about just printing it out and stapling it to the break room cork board.

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