
Leaving my job this Friday.

Got a new job lined up starting on the 22nd, more money closer to home and I don’t have to deal with a incompetent management. Story: worked at the job I’m leaving for just under a year now, everything at the start seemed pretty decent. Decent bennies, about the same in pay from las t last job, and a workplace physical therapist twice a week and a more stable work environment then I was used to. Fast forward to now: We’re working mandatory 9 hour days like we have for the last 7 months. During the summer in 90+ degree heat in a wear house that holds heat like a oven and unloading into trailers almost 130 degrees. walking 7 miles plus a day to the point that I’m developing a back issue in in my L4&L5 vertebrae. No longer do we have our on site PT to help deal…

Got a new job lined up starting on the 22nd, more money closer to home and I don’t have to deal with a incompetent management.

Story: worked at the job I’m leaving for just under a year now, everything at the start seemed pretty decent. Decent bennies, about the same in pay from las t last job, and a workplace physical therapist twice a week and a more stable work environment then I was used to.
Fast forward to now:
We’re working mandatory 9 hour days like we have for the last 7 months. During the summer in 90+ degree heat in a wear house that holds heat like a oven and unloading into trailers almost 130 degrees. walking 7 miles plus a day to the point that I’m developing a back issue in in my L4&L5 vertebrae. No longer do we have our on site PT to help deal with the issues that have arisen from all of this. All due to the incompetence of middle and senior management.

I’ve finally had enough, I’m leaving Friday and from the rest of the chatter I hear 6 other people are looking to leave to. I hope this company doesn’t survive the next recession.

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