
Left a toxic environment three years ago

This week marks the 3 (three) year anniversary of myself walking out of dead-end and toxic work environment. I tried to stick it out for almost 5 (five) years but the management, upper management and local HR Director made it impossible to stay. Getting thrown into a 7'x10' office with 3 (three) other individuals and 1 (one) was my inept manager made it impossible to stay. I no longer allow others to intimidate, dictate my feelings or have a “Do as I say, don't do as I do” management style. I was at the lowest I've ever been in my career. I was depressed for a long time and this now put me into suicidal thoughts about not going back into that small space. I never told anyone as I was just expected to suck it up and deal with it. So I announced to my inept manager that I…

This week marks the 3 (three) year anniversary of myself walking out of dead-end and toxic work environment. I tried to stick it out for almost 5 (five) years but the management, upper management and local HR Director made it impossible to stay. Getting thrown into a 7'x10' office with 3 (three) other individuals and 1 (one) was my inept manager made it impossible to stay. I no longer allow others to intimidate, dictate my feelings or have a “Do as I say, don't do as I do” management style. I was at the lowest I've ever been in my career. I was depressed for a long time and this now put me into suicidal thoughts about not going back into that small space. I never told anyone as I was just expected to suck it up and deal with it. So I announced to my inept manager that I was putting in my notice on a Wednesday. I immediate had my exit interview with my departments HR who was remote and not the inept local HR Director that was over other departments in my office. I was then informed by my manager that he wouldn't be walking me out as per protocol but having me work and offload my cases to the rest of the staff. The next day (Thursday) my Wife's Grandmother passed and my wife told me that she needed my support. I looked into my firms HR guide and found out that spouses Grandparents are covered for bereavement. So I sent an email to my remote HR and my inept manager stating I was leaving on bereavement until an unknown date. Yes, I should have called and informed my Manager but this was something that he really didn't need to know as I had issue dealing and working with him. I then reset my phone and laptop back to factory and left the key to the room as I was the last person in that office. The next day I was driving to Oregon for the funeral and the remote HR manager called me. I informed her of what transpired with my Manager and she was more wanting to know when I'd return. Why on earth would I return to an office and Manager that I despise, but I digress. Still during that time my Manager never called to offer his condolences. That showed me how much of a prick he was.

Since leaving I've now had 2 (two) great employers and several managers that have undone all the damage that has been caused. They have pushed me to learn, grow and adapt in my roles. They have allowed me to be me, not the shell of who I was. I've made suggestions that have helped the team become more productive. I've been on great teams that has no drama, abuse or primadonnas. I've pushed myself to ask more questions without reprisals. I've brought over a former manager to now be my Director (that's how much I trust him). I'm able to have fun, laugh and enjoy my job. I've been able to take vacations, relax and unwind without being worried of letting my team down.

What this has taught me is to know my own worth. Worth to myself. Worth to my family. Worth to my employer that I'm more than just a cog but an integral part of the bigger picture.

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