
Left job to work elsewhere, was fired within 2 weeks without any warning of poor performance day after I tell them about personal medical issue

I was at a job for about four months. I was unhappy because my boss who was suppose to be directly in charge of giving me work/direction/training was extremely inconsistent with his communication. There were times where he gave me tasks that were interesting/fulfilling/kept me busy and productive. Yet on the other end of the spectrum there would be times where he wouldn’t communicate with me for up to 2 weeks. Eventually I got another offer and toke it. I wanted to be busy, utilized, productive consistently. I toke a chance to leave this situation (which while I was unhappy it was stable). The environment SEEMED a lot better. People were very friendly. The work was more so like “busy work”, memorizing a lot of small details. I do my best when I understand the why behind things as it helps me to remember to do it versus just memorizing.…

I was at a job for about four months. I was unhappy because my boss who was suppose to be directly in charge of giving me work/direction/training was extremely inconsistent with his communication. There were times where he gave me tasks that were interesting/fulfilling/kept me busy and productive. Yet on the other end of the spectrum there would be times where he wouldn’t communicate with me for up to 2 weeks.
Eventually I got another offer and toke it. I wanted to be busy, utilized, productive consistently. I toke a chance to leave this situation (which while I was unhappy it was stable).
The environment SEEMED a lot better. People were very friendly. The work was more so like “busy work”, memorizing a lot of small details. I do my best when I understand the why behind things as it helps me to remember to do it versus just memorizing. Once I started doing work on my own I will be honest there was certainly some mistakes (which didn’t seem like it was uncommon, and it was never communicated to me I was doing horribly or not up to the speed or they thought I should’ve been at any point or they had concerns I wasn’t retaining the information or instruction for the tasks). I asked as many questions as I thought of along the way and when I made mistakes they just corrected me. We were busy all day everyday (working on foreclosures which are super behind because pandemic) and while that was great, it was certainly a transition, and the work wasn’t as intellectually stimulating as I would’ve liked but I wanted to give it a chance.
On a very personal note I unfortunately had undergone an abortion shortly before starting a new job and it’s regular to bleed alot for 2 weeks after. Some of my bathroom trips were longer than normal because of this. I guess several women noticed and told HR. So one day they call me into the VP’s office with the vp, the hr director and my two supervisors. They say that they’ve heard from multiple people I’ve been in the bathroom for long periods of time and was concerned I might be “sleeping” in there. I was shocked, and very upset. They said they were just concerned and wanted to make sure I was ok. I was visibly getting upset (tears welling in my eyes) and the VP excused my supervisors.
Looking back in this situation, there’s so much wrong in my eyes. Like for instance is someone had a medical condition, and that’s why they were in the bathroom why would anyone feel comfortable explaining that to 4 supervisors?
The vp acknowledged she could see I was upset and honestly the emotional turmoil was too much. I excused myself went outside and cried as I tried my best to calm myself down. Dealing with all the emotional aftermath of the abortion alone and at the same time starting new job was a lot but then on top of it for my them to think something so unprofessionally about me was really devastating. I went back inside and went to the hr director and told her about abortion and she said don’t worry it’s fine you take whatever time you need in the bathroom.
Fast forward to the next day and I’m called into hr directors office with main supervisor. They tell me they don’t think it’s working out and I’m making too many mistakes and not performing at the level I should be at this point. I tell them I’m really taken aback because no one ever expressed to me. No one ever said hey you need to work faster or it doesn’t seem you’re retaining the material or you’re making too many mistakes….nothing.
I was so shocked and literally flabbergasted. They have so much work right now they even expressed they are hiring more people and if people are interested in overtime they would appreciate it.
I feel like I keep getting the short end of the stick, I’m just trying to work and do a good job and people are just assholes.
Why didn’t they tell me I was underperforming and give me a chance to do better?
Whatever I guess it just wasn’t meant to be hopefully there’s something better in my future….

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