
Left this review for the last corporate job I had.

The way ownership and management runs this company and treats its people, is the reason why unions exist. The CEO is inexperienced and only has her job due to nepotism. Her father, who is cheap, two-faced and petty used to own the company, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The company was bought out a couple of years ago, since then a number of competent and experienced staff have been let go “without cause.” The remaining pool of talented people have almost all moved on to better opportunities. Recently, new people who have come onboard have left before their probation is up. They just don't want any part of the sideshow. This used to be a good company, but now its just slowly circling the drain. All that's left here are people waiting out their last bonus payment, management that doesn't have anyone's back, and incompetent brown-nosers.…

The way ownership and management runs this company and treats its people, is the reason why unions exist. The CEO is inexperienced and only has her job due to nepotism. Her father, who is cheap, two-faced and petty used to own the company, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The company was bought out a couple of years ago, since then a number of competent and experienced staff have been let go “without cause.” The remaining pool of talented people have almost all moved on to better opportunities. Recently, new people who have come onboard have left before their probation is up. They just don't want any part of the sideshow.

This used to be a good company, but now its just slowly circling the drain. All that's left here are people waiting out their last bonus payment, management that doesn't have anyone's back, and incompetent brown-nosers. Its a sad shell of what it once was.

I don't expect any change to come from these statements, as COMPANY X has never listened to any constructive criticism or suggestions from its employees on staff, or in exit interviews. I hope that sharing my opinion will give others the courage to speak up and pull back the curtain.

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