
Legitimate question about my job duties

I do payroll for my company (as well as MANY other odds-and-ends things). Our company is very behind the times and makes employees fill out paper time sheets every day documenting what they did. They are traveling nurses, aides, chaplains, and social workers, so their time sheets are very long and complicated…visits, miles, nonvisit work, seeing patients outside normal jurisdiction, on-call time, etc. etc. and I have to calculate it all by hand, physically write the totals on the time sheet, and then manually enter it all into our payroll system. When I first started, I mayyybe had to do 12 a day, plus my other random duties, so it wasn't too bad. But they keep hiring more and more field workers, so now it's to the point that I have to do about 35+ a day just to not fall behind. And that also means ignoring everything else that…

I do payroll for my company (as well as MANY other odds-and-ends things). Our company is very behind the times and makes employees fill out paper time sheets every day documenting what they did. They are traveling nurses, aides, chaplains, and social workers, so their time sheets are very long and complicated…visits, miles, nonvisit work, seeing patients outside normal jurisdiction, on-call time, etc. etc. and I have to calculate it all by hand, physically write the totals on the time sheet, and then manually enter it all into our payroll system.

When I first started, I mayyybe had to do 12 a day, plus my other random duties, so it wasn't too bad. But they keep hiring more and more field workers, so now it's to the point that I have to do about 35+ a day just to not fall behind. And that also means ignoring everything else that needs to be done.

Bottom-line…I'm burning out, not just mentally but physically. My right hand, wrist, forearm, and upper arm are constantly aching now. The more timesheets I do…the more it hurts. By a friday afternoon, my arm muscle feels like it is literally burning and I find I can't even do basic things when I get home, like lift a gallon of milk. The weekend is not enough time to recover anymore, now even on a monday my arm already hurts.

What should I do? How do I tell them I can't physically do it anymore? How many timesheets do you guys think is reasonable per day? This is not sustainable, but I don't want to just quit before at least addressing it with my manager first.

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