
Lesson learn: Never disclose more information than what has been asked

Every corporate interaction should be treated like legal interaction. There's no friendship in job, only professional relationship that shouldn't extend beyond Linkedin. Even if you have “good” relationship with your boss, they're still a part of management and a slip up can cost you your comfort in best case scenario and your job in the worst case scenario. My habit of disclosing more information than what is required in the past might cost me after what I disclosed in the meeting yesterday. Always take your time before answering a question if you have a habit of speaking too much. If the question is not clear, ask them to repeat and make it more clear so that you can craft your answer to be as specific as possible. Yes and no response for close ended question is valid and should be ended as such, don't elaborate on your own volition unless…

Every corporate interaction should be treated like legal interaction. There's no friendship in job, only professional relationship that shouldn't extend beyond Linkedin. Even if you have “good” relationship with your boss, they're still a part of management and a slip up can cost you your comfort in best case scenario and your job in the worst case scenario. My habit of disclosing more information than what is required in the past might cost me after what I disclosed in the meeting yesterday. Always take your time before answering a question if you have a habit of speaking too much. If the question is not clear, ask them to repeat and make it more clear so that you can craft your answer to be as specific as possible. Yes and no response for close ended question is valid and should be ended as such, don't elaborate on your own volition unless you've been asked to do so.

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